Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dignity and Impudence Explained (at last!)

It would be good to think someone reads these, though clearly I have my doubts. Either way I must plough on because one day I/we/they can look back and see the course of the journey mapped out. In my case I create real 'no through roads' or potholes in the route map because at my advanced *ahem* years (not THAT advanced, you understand - I DO have a 10 year old son!) I've had to grasp the phrase social media by the scruff of the neck, add the words 'marketing' and 'brand awareness' and hope that I can start to do justice to some mix of the lot of 'em!! Hence not blogging as frequently, nor as 'engagingly' (a SM word I've picked up along the way) as I should. I was Pining this morning and watching the dogs - Roger, a cross chihuahua/small fluffy thing; and Zorra (literal translation female fox, because of a facial mark when she was a pup and the mark of Zorro..... but means something more 'street' in Spanish which we didn't learn until she was named) anyway, the size differential and the annoyance R was and has been causing Z since his arrival struck me as something my mother would have dubbed 'Dignity and Impudence'. For whatever reason, this morning I googled it. Lo and behold, there's a painting by Edwin Landsee of that very name. Cairn terrier or something snuggled up alongside a beagle/labrador/something much bigger and grander, in the same kennel. Friends at last! So that's where the phrase came from. Oh, the book? Thanks for asking!!!! Well we know we'll be starting the editing process because our editor Debra, who proofread Pause Button Therapy, has emailed us.... so we've JUST finished PBT and with no breathing space because we then got launched into prepping for media stuff, we are now flung headlong into GMB. Complain? Moi? Not a bit of it. Just saying................

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