Friday, July 20, 2012

In the UK at the moment and just about every front cover seems to feature some anorexic or extremely overweight person. Isn't it about time people learned the four words for weight management success? Hunger Fullness Want Need simples! saludos Fiona

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Gastric Mind Band on Amazon

Go Hay House! Brilliant news - the new, updated, totally awesome-looking new 'The Gastric Mind Band' has appeared in listings on Amazon. For pre-order at this stage but well worth a look for anyone who's struggled with figuring a sustainable method of shifting excess weight and KEEPING IT SHIFTED! Can't wait to be counting down the days to publication....................

Friday, July 6, 2012

Reversing (some) Diabetes?

Wonder Weight Loss Drink

As I've said before. Water! 
Ok you may not need to drink unlimited litres a day - googling, it's actually almost impossible to find ONE figure appropriate to all people in all circumstances, but I'm making my own judgement that somewhere upwards of a litre and a half and less than four litres is in the right sort of range. 

Of course if you're six stone and live in a moist part of the world, have a sedentary lifestyle and drink several cups of tea, coffee, orange juice, or whatever, plus munching fruit, the figure will be at or below the lower end of the range and conversely if you're 22 stone, a weight lifting fan and have an active job in a hot country, well..................   you get the picture!

Watching sales figures!

It intrigues me the pattern of sales for this book.... it's clearly aimed at people who want/need to shed some excess fat, (doesn't look good written like that, admit it; but it's an accurate expression)  so you'd expect there to be a 'New Year Resolution' peak but it's not that simple.  July's going well at the moment - is that a final summer fling from people who've realised they're going on their summer hols imminently?  There's also usually a spring spike - maybe the more forward-thinking among us having the same thoughts!
I love the new cover designed by Hay House for their edition, due January.  Should be in their quarterly bookshop flyer in ?maybe September? ready for orders prior to publication. 
Oh, and ps.....   9kg shed myself.  Just by following our own advice!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Never let it be said I don't keep this blog up to date....  maybe not every day, nor every week, but at least once a year it's got current news.   Oh the shame............   please don't look at the last posting date.  However now, today, cometh the hour to give it wellie.  Blog in earnest.  (if he doesn't take exception!)
Our other book, Pause Button Therapy, is due out in just about 12 weeks and Hay House have given us the all systems go to start posting, tweeting, pinning, facebooking, blogging and all the other social media verbs you can mention. 
Oh, Gastric Mind Band?   That's due out January 2013.  Revised and updated manuscript handed in last weekend. 
So you'll be seeing/hearing a lot more from me! 