Thursday, November 25, 2010

All the Best? I wish!

Well as I write we're still waiting for the issue of Best with the book mentioned to hit the streets.... Martin's tried emailing & at last count was on the point of ringing to find out. In upcoming weeks there's Vogue (yes, Vogue!), Easy Living, Woman, plus others all going to hit the stands so maybe sales will reflect that. Meanwhile I'm continuing sending emails to publishers, lit agents and documentary production companies.... not to mention English-speaking countries' health ministries, etc.
And all that on top of an imminent dental appointment when I may well lose my last wisdom tooth. Someone suggested yesterday it had become loose because I'd used all my wisdom up. Thanks, chaps!!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Has it really been that long?

Sat down to write a catchup only to discover it's been nearly two weeks. Shame on moi. Still spend what seems like half my life a-twittering and a-tweeting, to (thus far) limited effect. Have irons in the fire, though. I thought the time was right to try old contacts, and remembered a big name I used to go to college with, and then remembered the significance of another big name I encountered while tweeting... so watch (or rather listen to) this space.

As a complete aside, has anyone ever had toothache? I hadn't until about a month ago. Now I fear gum/jaw/mouth cancer, root canal problems and galloping hypochondria. I DO know, however, that I need my extremely loose last remaining wisdom tooth removed, and hope the (dishy Spanish) dentist may do the honours at my appointment Thursday am. If not, it means another appointment and another purchase of Ibuprofen!

Back to the plot. We have Marie Claire, Easy Living, Woman, Vogue, and Best all in the offing... Diabetes UK still reviewing the book, NHS apparently has some mention and even though all publicity's reckoned to be good publicity, it's not going to set the world ablaze.

Right. I'm now going to try to get Martin's attention to work on marketing and the (whisper it) next book !!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Gosh what a difference 5 days make... got a bit despondent that we weren't on fire & couldn't get a Lit Agent in the US, (still haven't) ... but now we've been in Hello! & the sales have taken off again, back on a par with Mr McKenna. Hope to be on the NHS website soon, plus hopefully DiabetesUK and are definitely on MenopauseMatters and will soon be on PsychLinks. Not taken the few seconds required (doh) to check if I mentioned we'd had a very good unbiased review from a hypnotist, checkout @paulramsayBCH on twitter if you can..
Then of course in deepest Axarquia the weather plays havoc with everything from plastic terrace furniture to internet connections, and last night from being perfect dongling weather it degenerated to total wipeout & domestics (I thought OH had knackered said dongle by dropping it in a strop while disconnecting it late last night - ho hum wrong again, today it was fine down at the coast and about 15 mins ago was best number of bars ever right here at casanuestra)
Best, Easy Living, Natural Woman(i think) & others lined up, just want to crack the US market really - it's so to speak a pretty big obesity nut to crack!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another (good) review of our book...

So days go by, tweeting & twittering, twittering & a-tweeting, figuring different avenues to take promoting the book to whoever I can think of... Martin's just pointed out a couple of new ideas.
1. They had a client who went through GmB, lost weight, then found she had breast cancer (which is thankfully ok now). The point being both she and her doctor acknowledge that without GmB/weight loss she just plain wouldn't have found the lump. So effectively in all probability saved her breast if not her life.
2. DiabetesUK has agreed to review our book & put it on their website, all hanging on the knowledge that Kay Lindley, the British primary school headmistress whose weight loss has to be seen to be believed, no longer has to medicate her Type 2 Diabetes.

Anyway, to my title. Did my book-sale search & Googled (as usual) this morning and not only are we still outselling a n other weight loss paperback, but there's an independent book review here:
which is 98% positive, saying some very nice things such as suggesting all hypnotists would be advised to take a leaf from our book (so to speak!).
Paul Ramsay - himself a hypnotist - suggested we were a bit casual in style occasionally - which I accept, and recognise that although that was intentional, it may need a re-read at times... and we use British phrases which I guess is pretty much unavoidable!!!! On the whole, very positive news.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Exciting Times!

OK so I spend much of my time Twittering or Tweeting or whatever it's called but I'd like to think it's bearing fruit... the sales according to the webpage we check are doing well, heading in the right direction (ie up) and still continue to outdo our most obvious rival. Long may it continue!
NB if you've just stumbled upon us, check the book out; we like to think it's a good read as well as a source of loads of useful tools in the armoury against overweight/obesity!