Yay again..
Just checked & we're outselling that other big title in weight loss involving hypnotherapy (if you know who I mean!) on Amazon uk
Get your copies now! She shouts a la market trader - or at least check us out on the various links I mention hither & thither - or possibly see Vogue, or Marie Claire, or Inside Health etc etc!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Madonna says............
Vogue! We're in fashionista heaven! (I say we, but actually the book's not even mentioned - let's just hope that a fair few of those who click on the GmB website spot the book & decide it might be a good first base?)
And that's after Marie Claire just last week (brief mention of the book) so let's hope the sales reflect the raised profile. Janey Lee Grace now has a copy of the book so fingers crossed there too.
My ex-college mate Nick Ferrari too but I've not heard back to confirm receipt so maybe he's too busy following Boris!!!!
And that's after Marie Claire just last week (brief mention of the book) so let's hope the sales reflect the raised profile. Janey Lee Grace now has a copy of the book so fingers crossed there too.
My ex-college mate Nick Ferrari too but I've not heard back to confirm receipt so maybe he's too busy following Boris!!!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wonder Weight Loss Drink
I'm just plain intrigued to see if anyone comes here looking to see what the wonder drink is. It is of course water. Anyone got the bottle (Ha!) to post a comment admitting they followed the link to see?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
All the Best? I wish!
Well as I write we're still waiting for the issue of Best with the book mentioned to hit the streets.... Martin's tried emailing & at last count was on the point of ringing to find out. In upcoming weeks there's Vogue (yes, Vogue!), Easy Living, Woman, plus others all going to hit the stands so maybe sales will reflect that. Meanwhile I'm continuing sending emails to publishers, lit agents and documentary production companies.... not to mention English-speaking countries' health ministries, etc.
And all that on top of an imminent dental appointment when I may well lose my last wisdom tooth. Someone suggested yesterday it had become loose because I'd used all my wisdom up. Thanks, chaps!!!!
And all that on top of an imminent dental appointment when I may well lose my last wisdom tooth. Someone suggested yesterday it had become loose because I'd used all my wisdom up. Thanks, chaps!!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Has it really been that long?
Sat down to write a catchup only to discover it's been nearly two weeks. Shame on moi. Still spend what seems like half my life a-twittering and a-tweeting, to (thus far) limited effect. Have irons in the fire, though. I thought the time was right to try old contacts, and remembered a big name I used to go to college with, and then remembered the significance of another big name I encountered while tweeting... so watch (or rather listen to) this space.
As a complete aside, has anyone ever had toothache? I hadn't until about a month ago. Now I fear gum/jaw/mouth cancer, root canal problems and galloping hypochondria. I DO know, however, that I need my extremely loose last remaining wisdom tooth removed, and hope the (dishy Spanish) dentist may do the honours at my appointment Thursday am. If not, it means another appointment and another purchase of Ibuprofen!
Back to the plot. We have Marie Claire, Easy Living, Woman, Vogue, and Best all in the offing... Diabetes UK still reviewing the book, NHS apparently has some mention and even though all publicity's reckoned to be good publicity, it's not going to set the world ablaze.
Right. I'm now going to try to get Martin's attention to work on marketing and the (whisper it) next book !!!
As a complete aside, has anyone ever had toothache? I hadn't until about a month ago. Now I fear gum/jaw/mouth cancer, root canal problems and galloping hypochondria. I DO know, however, that I need my extremely loose last remaining wisdom tooth removed, and hope the (dishy Spanish) dentist may do the honours at my appointment Thursday am. If not, it means another appointment and another purchase of Ibuprofen!
Back to the plot. We have Marie Claire, Easy Living, Woman, Vogue, and Best all in the offing... Diabetes UK still reviewing the book, NHS apparently has some mention and even though all publicity's reckoned to be good publicity, it's not going to set the world ablaze.
Right. I'm now going to try to get Martin's attention to work on marketing and the (whisper it) next book !!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Gosh what a difference 5 days make... got a bit despondent that we weren't on fire & couldn't get a Lit Agent in the US, (still haven't) ... but now we've been in Hello! & the sales have taken off again, back on a par with Mr McKenna. Hope to be on the NHS website soon, plus hopefully DiabetesUK and are definitely on MenopauseMatters and will soon be on PsychLinks. Not taken the few seconds required (doh) to check if I mentioned we'd had a very good unbiased review from a hypnotist, checkout @paulramsayBCH on twitter if you can..
Then of course in deepest Axarquia the weather plays havoc with everything from plastic terrace furniture to internet connections, and last night from being perfect dongling weather it degenerated to total wipeout & domestics (I thought OH had knackered said dongle by dropping it in a strop while disconnecting it late last night - ho hum wrong again, today it was fine down at the coast and about 15 mins ago was best number of bars ever right here at casanuestra)
Best, Easy Living, Natural Woman(i think) & others lined up, just want to crack the US market really - it's so to speak a pretty big obesity nut to crack!
Then of course in deepest Axarquia the weather plays havoc with everything from plastic terrace furniture to internet connections, and last night from being perfect dongling weather it degenerated to total wipeout & domestics (I thought OH had knackered said dongle by dropping it in a strop while disconnecting it late last night - ho hum wrong again, today it was fine down at the coast and about 15 mins ago was best number of bars ever right here at casanuestra)
Best, Easy Living, Natural Woman(i think) & others lined up, just want to crack the US market really - it's so to speak a pretty big obesity nut to crack!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Another (good) review of our book...
So days go by, tweeting & twittering, twittering & a-tweeting, figuring different avenues to take promoting the book to whoever I can think of... Martin's just pointed out a couple of new ideas.
1. They had a client who went through GmB, lost weight, then found she had breast cancer (which is thankfully ok now). The point being both she and her doctor acknowledge that without GmB/weight loss she just plain wouldn't have found the lump. So effectively in all probability saved her breast if not her life.
2. DiabetesUK has agreed to review our book & put it on their website, all hanging on the knowledge that Kay Lindley, the British primary school headmistress whose weight loss has to be seen to be believed, no longer has to medicate her Type 2 Diabetes.
Anyway, to my title. Did my book-sale search & Googled (as usual) this morning and not only are we still outselling a n other weight loss paperback, but there's an independent book review here: http://www.typepad.com/services/trackback/6a00e550a90a1788340133f58f0f7b970b
which is 98% positive, saying some very nice things such as suggesting all hypnotists would be advised to take a leaf from our book (so to speak!).
Paul Ramsay - himself a hypnotist - suggested we were a bit casual in style occasionally - which I accept, and recognise that although that was intentional, it may need a re-read at times... and we use British phrases which I guess is pretty much unavoidable!!!! On the whole, very positive news.
1. They had a client who went through GmB, lost weight, then found she had breast cancer (which is thankfully ok now). The point being both she and her doctor acknowledge that without GmB/weight loss she just plain wouldn't have found the lump. So effectively in all probability saved her breast if not her life.
2. DiabetesUK has agreed to review our book & put it on their website, all hanging on the knowledge that Kay Lindley, the British primary school headmistress whose weight loss has to be seen to be believed, no longer has to medicate her Type 2 Diabetes.
Anyway, to my title. Did my book-sale search & Googled (as usual) this morning and not only are we still outselling a n other weight loss paperback, but there's an independent book review here: http://www.typepad.com/services/trackback/6a00e550a90a1788340133f58f0f7b970b
which is 98% positive, saying some very nice things such as suggesting all hypnotists would be advised to take a leaf from our book (so to speak!).
Paul Ramsay - himself a hypnotist - suggested we were a bit casual in style occasionally - which I accept, and recognise that although that was intentional, it may need a re-read at times... and we use British phrases which I guess is pretty much unavoidable!!!! On the whole, very positive news.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Exciting Times!
OK so I spend much of my time Twittering or Tweeting or whatever it's called but I'd like to think it's bearing fruit... the sales according to the webpage we check are doing well, heading in the right direction (ie up) and still continue to outdo our most obvious rival. Long may it continue!
NB if you've just stumbled upon us, check the book out; we like to think it's a good read as well as a source of loads of useful tools in the armoury against overweight/obesity!
NB if you've just stumbled upon us, check the book out; we like to think it's a good read as well as a source of loads of useful tools in the armoury against overweight/obesity!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Funny old day, Hallowe'en...
Two power cuts before 9am if indeed it was 9am or was it 8, 10 or 11? Clocks and other half somewhere halfway around the Aegean in a different time zone didn't help! Dongle works but slowly, though enough to know the Canadian sales figures have taken a spike which I'm hoping is from my frenetic tweeting! Long may it last.
Martin told me yesterday that a woman from Melbourne who's read the book then decided to come all the way to Spain for the one-to-one treatment! Glad the book was enough of an incentive, will be interesting to have more feedback from people who've ONLY had the book!
Oh, and of course darling daughter's my own personal witch so we were celebrating her 20th birthday with cava, bacon butties and smoked salmon - plus of course b'day cake complete with candles - taken INSIDE my 4x4 pickup parked on Malaga seafront. She also had a sneaky turn behind the wheel or six, including a bit of a wheely, something to tell her friends! Then off back to blighty.
Martin told me yesterday that a woman from Melbourne who's read the book then decided to come all the way to Spain for the one-to-one treatment! Glad the book was enough of an incentive, will be interesting to have more feedback from people who've ONLY had the book!
Oh, and of course darling daughter's my own personal witch so we were celebrating her 20th birthday with cava, bacon butties and smoked salmon - plus of course b'day cake complete with candles - taken INSIDE my 4x4 pickup parked on Malaga seafront. She also had a sneaky turn behind the wheel or six, including a bit of a wheely, something to tell her friends! Then off back to blighty.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
OMG what a todo and a half.. have finally, painfully and at no small cost, got a dongle (inevitably the Spanish choose a confusing word: modem!!!) and with no thanks to my soon-to-be-replaced but good for its years laptop, I managed to negotiate the whys and wherefors of installing Movistar Internet for it. And off we go again. At last. Thank goodness. Slow it may be but dare I complain? Yip sure as eggs I am but at least I'm sitting in my own dining room able to tweet google blog & (to get to the point of the title) watch the status of our sales. A couple of hours ago someone somewhere or more than someone in more than one location bought three books... yay go them. Just wish a Lit Agent somewhere would recognise the media potential and give us the leg up we so need!
*sound of a long sigh*
*sound of a long sigh*
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Someone (else) just bought it!!!
Oh the wonders of technology.... sitting in one of the various wifi locations in and around the village (virus has a lot to answer for) & having checked the sales status about an hour earlier, I thought I'd have another quick peek before leaving for home. Guess what? Last sale on amazon.co.uk was 0 hours... so since I'd been sitting Tweeting someone'd bought the book online. Warm fuzzy feeling!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Flying High on Amazon!
OK it may not be Tony Blair or Katie Price, but we're at #9 for health self help books on Amazon.co.uk and have crept back some on Amazon.com too.... I just hope emailing all and sundry in newspapers around the globe bears fruit so we'll do well somewhere other than the UK. Doesn't help that our publisher's author centre won't let us get access to check sales figures. Yes I'll mention who. AuthorHouse.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sun's shining, laptop's back, OH arrives this evening, book sales still at a higher level than others in Amazon's movers & shakers (how so__??) .
So more on laptop. May have been 8yo's propensity for loading multiple pages of free online skateboarding games or may have been a spam email. Dunno, don't care. Was a foul virus which itself loaded multiple pages at a time & has successfully lost all my word & picture files from the usual place ... though thankfully they're still there cos a search found them, just have to redirect them to Documents and Pictures! Maybe I'll do that outside the airport this evening!
Amazingly with new anti-virus it only cost me €15 which I reckon is the good couple at Inforjam not charging enough. Note to self. Get external hard drive or a megapack of USBs.
To sales: don't understand Amazon one bit. Figures go up & down like the proverbial & as mentioned earlier, seem to be at a consistently higher level than some of the titles in 'movers and shakers'... but then maybe that's a paid for title?? There are definitely some shifting, cos on a hypnotism forum there's quite a bit of interest & discussion.
As to how or why I can't find out how many we've sold on AuthorHouse's website - our publisher, for goodness sake - goodness only knows. Communication being their business they're not that brilliant at it. Martin had to adjust the link from the GmB website for anyone wanting to buy because there was a glitch yesterday.
He and Marion are on their way to (or maybe now in) London for tomorrow's press launch ref the clinic but also the book so fingers crossed all the UK sales will start in earnest once some mags/papers run something & hopefully we get some TV too.
NB in 1,011 tweets I've only had one rude reply!
Oh, and it's sunny in S Spain, yes. !!!
So more on laptop. May have been 8yo's propensity for loading multiple pages of free online skateboarding games or may have been a spam email. Dunno, don't care. Was a foul virus which itself loaded multiple pages at a time & has successfully lost all my word & picture files from the usual place ... though thankfully they're still there cos a search found them, just have to redirect them to Documents and Pictures! Maybe I'll do that outside the airport this evening!
Amazingly with new anti-virus it only cost me €15 which I reckon is the good couple at Inforjam not charging enough. Note to self. Get external hard drive or a megapack of USBs.
To sales: don't understand Amazon one bit. Figures go up & down like the proverbial & as mentioned earlier, seem to be at a consistently higher level than some of the titles in 'movers and shakers'... but then maybe that's a paid for title?? There are definitely some shifting, cos on a hypnotism forum there's quite a bit of interest & discussion.
As to how or why I can't find out how many we've sold on AuthorHouse's website - our publisher, for goodness sake - goodness only knows. Communication being their business they're not that brilliant at it. Martin had to adjust the link from the GmB website for anyone wanting to buy because there was a glitch yesterday.
He and Marion are on their way to (or maybe now in) London for tomorrow's press launch ref the clinic but also the book so fingers crossed all the UK sales will start in earnest once some mags/papers run something & hopefully we get some TV too.
NB in 1,011 tweets I've only had one rude reply!
Oh, and it's sunny in S Spain, yes. !!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
HIP HIP HURRAY! Check it out....http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1319382/Hypnosis-makes-slimming-case-mind-platter.html
Now available on AuthorHouse.... roll up roll up!
Now available on AuthorHouse.... roll up roll up!
Anyone who's already read the blog.... not stadiums full, judging from the comments column, but hey ho... there's a change!
The serialisation starts in the Daily Mail next Monday 11th October.
How many words, how much space, how much it'll have been changed, we don't know but The Daily Mail's the place to look.
Oh, and the virus is still going strong apparently, though Inforjam in Colmenar are working their cotton socks off trying to help.... the clinic's computers are somewhat on goslow, maybe because of all the webwork and tweeting about the book! So infotech is no great help right at the moment.
The serialisation starts in the Daily Mail next Monday 11th October.
How many words, how much space, how much it'll have been changed, we don't know but The Daily Mail's the place to look.
Oh, and the virus is still going strong apparently, though Inforjam in Colmenar are working their cotton socks off trying to help.... the clinic's computers are somewhat on goslow, maybe because of all the webwork and tweeting about the book! So infotech is no great help right at the moment.
Friday, October 1, 2010
HOLD THE FRONT PAGE (pretty please)
YAY!!!! Naming no names but looks as if we've a serialisation in the offing... signed sealed but not quite yet delivered.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
woo hoo i've got a virus....
Oh joy of joys my laptop's at the laptop doctor & I can only hope the pesky little critter gets a good fumigating. Can't work from home, can't work from the various bars & cafes I frequent to get decent wifi connection... basically my late-september 21st century working life is at a virtual standstill!!
OK got that over with.
Basically Iḿ still tweeting & twittering willy-nilly, waiting for ANYONE to notice this blog, wondering how to make sense of Amazon's sales figures, (mind you we're definitely selling some, because the AuthorHouse website shows the numbers!!)
I'm googling all former journalist contacts to get email addresses where possible, and waiting on next week's press launch in London to be able to get more UK coverage. Tweets etc are global now, so the word's definitely spread.
Anyone out there____?
OK got that over with.
Basically Iḿ still tweeting & twittering willy-nilly, waiting for ANYONE to notice this blog, wondering how to make sense of Amazon's sales figures, (mind you we're definitely selling some, because the AuthorHouse website shows the numbers!!)
I'm googling all former journalist contacts to get email addresses where possible, and waiting on next week's press launch in London to be able to get more UK coverage. Tweets etc are global now, so the word's definitely spread.
Anyone out there____?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
So 24 hours after being on Good Morning America and the sales have increased significantly (though of course how much who knows, Amazon's listings being incomprehensible to the average bod in the street).
Tweets a-twittering, followers a-following, waiting to see what gets serialised & with whom (watch this space).
All exciting stuff. Just have to establish whether or not we're being ripped off by a website we didn't know about with our book on sale as an e-book; and of course sort out the (whisper it) tax issues of our HUUUGE income-to-be !!!!
Tweets a-twittering, followers a-following, waiting to see what gets serialised & with whom (watch this space).
All exciting stuff. Just have to establish whether or not we're being ripped off by a website we didn't know about with our book on sale as an e-book; and of course sort out the (whisper it) tax issues of our HUUUGE income-to-be !!!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
First the bad news. We didn't get a mention for the book. But the good news? The therapy got a couple of webpages and over five and a half minutes primetime breakfast tv coverage from ABC & Twitter's ablaze... well at least those interested in health/weight loss etc !
Roll on improved Amazon ratings!
Roll on improved Amazon ratings!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Imitation sincerest form of flattery?
Firstly, what a day! As other pixel friends will know - and real ones! I had my bag snatched while talking with Martin yesterday. Thankfully with the speed of a gazelle !!! I leapt to challenge the perpetrator & her accomplice, got the bag back complete with purse, keys, etc., and after a bit of cussing at her in Spanish in the main square I returned to the conversation! We'd been discussing Martin & Marion's promotional visit to New York - great stuff. Hours being interviewed with huge profile TV anchors with footage in the can to be shown on Good Morning America this coming Wednesday and their evening programme the same night. Both about the new clinic over there but also all guns blazing to push the book, which of course for some might be the easier first step to taking the plunge and having the one to one therapy.
There are also US Psychology mag and another whose name I admit I've forgotten (watch this space) also with interviews ready to be published.
Then of course in a couple of weeks - amazingly enough, on my birthday - there's a press launch in London complete with one of the success stories, who I met at the clinic yesterday, lined up to join the throng telling his tale. There London clinic will be opening sometime soon, but again the book's getting spotlight - we've got our fingers crossed one of the biggies who covered Kay Lindley, Joh, & others - will decide to serialise. More fingers and toes crossed BBC Breakfast and/or The One Show will be on board too.
As I said, watch this space!
Anyway, to my title. When Martin & Marion started there was only GmB. If you Googled any combination of keywords like weight, loss, diet, hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP, treatment, you name it, they were the only ones out there. Didn't take long to find more when you ran a search, though...
Still, as Martin says, as long as his clients are satisfied (and they are!) why worry?
There are also US Psychology mag and another whose name I admit I've forgotten (watch this space) also with interviews ready to be published.
Then of course in a couple of weeks - amazingly enough, on my birthday - there's a press launch in London complete with one of the success stories, who I met at the clinic yesterday, lined up to join the throng telling his tale. There London clinic will be opening sometime soon, but again the book's getting spotlight - we've got our fingers crossed one of the biggies who covered Kay Lindley, Joh, & others - will decide to serialise. More fingers and toes crossed BBC Breakfast and/or The One Show will be on board too.
As I said, watch this space!
Anyway, to my title. When Martin & Marion started there was only GmB. If you Googled any combination of keywords like weight, loss, diet, hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP, treatment, you name it, they were the only ones out there. Didn't take long to find more when you ran a search, though...
Still, as Martin says, as long as his clients are satisfied (and they are!) why worry?
Friday, September 17, 2010

Frid Sept 17 11.10am
OMG how can someone 'lose' their own blog? Hands up I did. Anyway the book's published & selling & the blog's re-found & will hopefully become somewhere to look & add snippets of interest surrounding Gastric mind Band therapy & clients & book comments etc.
Being in the clinic hearing about people losing weight is a real boost knowing how much Martin & Marion's words can help. Not only appearance, self esteem, (less puffing & panting up the three flights of stairs too!) but also little changes like shoes fitting better, which successful loser A told them today..... another client, B, came for a weigh-in & was chuffed to find she'd not put on weight on an overseas trip. Stayed the same weight but that was so much better than she'd become used to that she left with a big smile on her face!
Both M & M so busy it's hard to get time with them to discuss marketing the book, but such is life when you're in demand.
Look forward to comments as and when!
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